What does a union mean for women? Nursari or commonly called Sari answered firmly, “Trade unions are power that strengthen women workers!”
Getting to know trade unions and then joining SERBUK Indonesia since 2013, Sari actively participated in various trade union activities. Workers in the company where she workedwere mostly women so that the opportunity was greater for her and her friends to be active in the Women’s Committee. “Poor working conditions, low wages and reproductive health rights that were ignored by the company made us realize the importance of a workers’ union,” Sari said.
Being active in the women’s committee, Sari and her friends learned about the basic rights of women workers such as menstruation leave, maternity leave, lactation room, and safe working hours for women workers. Sheshould manage all organizational activities as well as possible so that her role as a mother to her three children could also be carried out properly. “My husband and I worked and were active in union activities so we should manage our time as well as possible,” Sari said. Often when she and her husband had to attend union meetings or education/training, they took their children with them. “It is important to bring children in union activities so that they are familiar with the activities of their parents,” she said.
Nursari (28)
Ex-Worker of PT SJE Global, terminated due to company’s bankruptcy
Member of Women’s Committee, SERBUK Indonesia.